MBBS in Bangladesh
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MBBS in Bangladesh
Handshake consultancy is an authorized representative of medical colleges in Bangladesh to support students with their entire application process also helps in guidance to take decision about their courses, scholarships while studying abroad. We are authorized medical education consultant based in India, provides admission in top ranked medical college & universities with special waiver & scholarships in Bangladesh. Our local office, associate and staffs are recruiting students to study in India. Handshake consultancy provides counseling & guidance to prospective students who are interested in medical education such as MBBS, BDS, M.VSc, MDS, MD, MS, M.Phil & higher education opportunities in Bangladesh also providing direct MBBS admission, college/university selection, wide variety of graduate & undergraduate programs. Our local office & experienced staffs are processing application for MCI, Equivalence certificate, documentation, visa guidance & pre-departure services (6 years local support, accommodation, transportation etc.
Bangladesh is a low-lying country with a total area of 55,598 square miles or 1,43,999, square kilometers. It stretches latitudinally between 20º34′ and 26º38′ north and longitudinally between 88º01′ and 92º41′ east. It is mostly surrounded by Indian territory (West Bengal, Tripura, Assam, and Meghalaya), except for a small strip in the southeast by Myanmar. The Bay of Bengal lies on the south. The population of Bangladesh is about 133.4 million. Majority of the population are Muslims; Hindus, Buddhists, and Christians make up 13 percent of the entire population. Over 98 percent of the people speak Bengali; English however, is widely used. The entire country is broadly divided into six administrative divisions, namely, Dhaka, Chittagong, Rajshahi, Khulna, Barisal, and Sylhet. This country governed by the Parliamentary democracy and it has a unitary parliament, named Bangladesh Jatia Sangsad.
There are 40 Ministries and 12 Divisions. Only a few ministries are large, the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare is one of them. At the national level, the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MOH&FW) is responsible for policy, planning, and decision making at the macro level. Under MOH&FW, there are four Directorates e.g. Director General of Health Services, Director General of Family Planning, Directorate of Nursing Services and Directorate of Drug Administration.

1. MCI, Approved medical study outside India. Under MCI Act 1956
See More Details here : www.mciindia.org/acts/Second-Schedule.pdf
For More Details Please Refer M.C.I. Web Site www.mciindia.org
2. MBBS in Bangladesh best alternative Low cost Medical Study outside India
3. Recognition By – Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council & Member of South East Asia Regional Organization For Medical Council Enlisted in the Directory of IMED & AVECENA (Formerly W.H.O)
4. Student can register to Medical Council of India by giving Screening Test to practice in India after completion of MBBS Degree in Bangladesh
5. Least Financial cost to complete MBBS Course in Private medical college and free seats under SAARC Quota in Government Medical College
6. Adequate patient flow for clinical studies & practice Maintaining Global Medical Education Standard
7. Socio-cultural same as India, environment and climate are almost same
8. Very close to Home Country
9. Security and safety of Individual is ensured in the Campus
10. Affordable Medical Study at Low Package for Middle Class Family Best Option for MBBS Study outside India
(Authorized Representative of Medical Colleges in Bangladesh)
Registered & Corporate office: 12 Park Street, Queens Mansion, 5th Floor, Room No-506,Kolkata - 700071
Mobile (Kolkata): (+91) 8617283488
Mobile (Lucknow): (+91) 8787033212
Branch office:
Lucknow, Aligarh, Muzaffarpur, New Delhi, Naogaon Assam, Hyderabad, Mysore.